Monday, September 26, 2011

Letterpress Project: Slowly Coming Together!

I wanted to update you on my letterpress project! I blogged here about the beginning stages and I'm now in the stage of renting studio space on weekend nights (like last night) and things are slowly coming together. I always battled with color as a printmaker in college and spent many-a-night crumpling up botched attempts to make something that didn't cause my teacher to cringe and ask the dreaded question of "what exactly were you going for here?" So last night I held my breath faced those fears as I printed warm colors on about 200 sheets (4 months worth) of letterpress paper.  This whole project has been such a challenge, but it's challenges like this that I find most rewarding.

The patterned plate on the metal block is made out of polymer. I drew the zig-zag shape in Illustrator and sent the image (with the others) to a company that makes the plates. {I use BoxCar Press in Syracuse, NY.}

Once they're complete, I will feature them on my main website and for purchase on Etsy. Stay tuned!

until next time,

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