Thursday, April 11, 2013

Little Bit of Lately

recent pics!
Living across the street from a bodega that sells flowers is basically like living near nature, right?
Contrary to popular belief, bodega flowers are mighty cheap compared to other things in NYC...kind of like how we have crazy cheap nail salons. Oh, might pay an absurd (absurd I tell you!) amount in rent, but you can have pretty flowers & nails for a good price :)
Another thing I find pretty? This month's cover of Real Simple. (it's my favorite mag!)
Do you live in NYC, Boston, Portland, London, Cape Cod, Hartford, Miami, Worcester, or Chicago? If so, you gotta check out PaintNite! There's an instructor that teaches you how to paint a certain scene (Bob Ross anyone?), you listen to music, you try not to mistake your water-cup-for-dipping for your beer-cup-for-drinking and you chitchat with friends. By the way, aren't Mimi & Cat the cutest?
P.S. My dad always used to tease me when I was little and say that I was always holding something in my left hand while I used my right hand to color. As you can see in the bottom left pic, nothing has changed.
Patrick wants us to move into that gold dome, just so you know.
He also loves it when I take pictures of him on the treadmill... ;)
I loved:
my early morning in the village with miss Katie!
a fun date with this adorable couple in Hells Kitchen.
(we went here! worth the wait.)
and meeting this 12-wk-old husky that I almost stole for Patrick.
a story & giggle-filled girls' night at Nobu 57.
and my first Haute Box! Have you heard of it? I'm sure you've heard of Birch Box for makeup (I actually don't subscribe to it, but I've gifted it to 3 women who seem to love it!)...well Haute Box (from Haute Papier) is the same idea, but it's stationery & paper goods. So basically? It's the best thing to ever happen.

two other things of note ::
Patrick & I tied in second place in our NCAA pool and it was rather exciting. (Thanks, all, for wishing us luck!) I should note that I'm totally undeserving considering I was watching the season 2 finale of Downton Abbey during the Championship Game :I Nevertheless, it was such a nice little surprise. Our plan is to open our first join account & put the money towards moving expenses. Adulthood is so exciting, right? ;)

Little Lady in the Big Apple will be "going extinct" in the next 6-8 weeks. I'm telling you now because I have to start processing losing that title/identity. It's bizarrely hard for me. Don't worry, though! I have a lot going on behind the scenes and will be launching a whole new little online world which will include archived posts of the last 5 years. Please stay tuned! I hope you will come follow along in my next chapter...I have a feeling it's going to be fun :)

until next time,



  1. i'm excited to see what's in store for your next online adventure!

    also, next time you're in hell's kitchen, you should check out nook. it's my favorite place in that area of manhattan :)


    1. thanks so much! Ooo that looks like a fun spot - i will definitely check it out :) thanks again!

  2. what?? but i *just* found you while searching for fun painting classes in the nyc/dc area! luckily, you've got 5 years of archives. ;)

    1. Hi! Aw I hope you continue to follow along when we "move" haha. And I'll be transferring all old posts as well :)
