Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday Links

Happy Friday! Any exciting weekend plans? I'm kicking things off with a date with myself at the MoMA tonight. Did you know that the museum offers free admission every Friday between 4PM & 8PM? I'm excited to wander aimlessly with my sketchpad and look at all the inspiring thingz. Then? I'm heading to another date...with Patrick :) (We're seeing this movie!) I have a feeling it's going to be a good one. I'm already thankful for time I'll have with a girlfriend tomorrow afternoon as that'll break up the rest of the weekend I'll spend working on a number of projects. You gotta mix some fun into the grind!

                           Friday links                            

You don't need to know how to read French to see that these save-the-dates are the smartest idea you've ever seen.

This will give you an idea just how far away Mars is. Hard to believe!

Want to wear a long dress to a wedding, but don't want to look like you're heading to prom? Try something like this.

I love these dog carriers almost as much as I love the name of the company.

Two new songs for you: 1 & 2 (you can download them on iTunes.)

This site offers a nifty way to source bridesmaid dresses.

Let's all remember the difference between peek, peak, & pique.

Cool bags on Etsy.

words to live by.

This anchor paperweight would be such a cool housewarming gift.

Apparently, water isn't enough to wash off all the chemicals they spray on our fruits & vegetables. I want to try this from The Honest Company. (Yes, the company Jessica Alba founded!)

Ooo! I like this Jonathan Adler for J.C. Penny lamp. (hooray! we can finally afford his products.)

I leave you with this.

P.S. I received some sweet messages about my news yesterday (thank you very, very much) & I wanted to clarify that I will still blog in my new online home. Because that's what this has become, really. A tiny little home where I can share & connect & vent & reflect & (try to) inspire. I expect that as my focuses shift and life evolves, so will my online presence. If there are things you want me to try & keep the same (certain kinds of posts you like, for example) or if there are things you want me to add to the mix, please leave a comment below or email me at -- I'd truly love to hear.

Have a terrific weekend, you guys!

until next time,



  1. so glad that you'll still be blogging! I'd be very sad if I didn't get to start off my daily procrastination with some little lady reading - and congratulations on the new adventures, very exciting!
    xo from Switzerland

    1. Oh, thank you!! Your comment is a total day-maker :)
