Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Slow Down

"Slow down!" - my mother

"It's stress-related. Are you taking Vitamin C with rose hips every day like I told you?" - my father

"8 hours of sleep. No excuses." - Patrick

Seeing as I was tested for a stroke today, I think I need to start listening to everyone -- don't worry, I'm perfectly fine & healthy -- but they have a point. I do need to suck it up & slow. it. down.

I lost my vision today in my right eye and it was the scariest and most disorienting thing I've ever experienced. Everything became blurred and blank...I couldn't focus...and there was a flashing blind spot directly in front of me. I was in the middle of reading a work email and all of a sudden, I couldn't see...anything! I tried closing the one eye to get rid of the flashing, but the shakiness made me feel sick to my stomach. I stood up and walked away from my desk, thinking it was just eyestrain from my computer screen, but I quickly became dizzy trying to navigate myself down the hallway. I tried talking to coworkers, feeling embarrassed that I couldn't focus on their faces. I have 20/20 vision so what on earth was happening? 

The symptoms eased up after about 30 minutes, but I finished up at work and went to the eye doctor where they ran what felt like 17 obnoxious and eye-watery tests. Thankfully, they ruled out all the scary stuff, but did tell me that I experienced an ocular migraine, where the vascular spasms affect the blood supply to the vision center of the brain. Have you ever had a regular or ocular migraine? I'm pretty sure the same thing has happened to me once before, but there certainly isn't enough of a pattern for me to know what might have caused this or for me to know the chances of it happening again. (Never? Please??)

After all the tests and a group of students looking at the back of my eyeball since I apparently have something rare called "CHRPE bear tracks" which look like freckles on the back of my eye (so that's where my birthmark is - sneaky, sneaky!), Patrick picked me up and brought me home, propping me up with a heating pad on my neck. (Bless him.) So yes...I don't know what caused that terribly mean migraine, but I suppose me slowing down couldn't hurt.

So I'm off! slow down, order some vitamins on, and go to sleep :) Goodnight, all.

until next time,



  1. ooh goodness! glad everything's okay!!

  2. holy crap lady! migraines are seriously scary. mama don't like to mess around with that. back away from the bright light of your laptop! have some tea! take care. xo

    1. haha I know! scary is right...ok, will do. stepping away from the computer & drinking some tea :) thank you!

  3. I just had to comment as a very similar thing happened to me last year (like you I was at work and it came out of nowhere!) And I also discovered I have a freckly thing on my eye. Don't panic! It happened to me and I am one of those easygoing relaxed types. It's just a reminder we are all human, and vulnerable, and we need to treat ourselves with kindness - Gigi

    1. oh gosh, as sorry I am that you had such a similar experience, it makes me feel better knowing it can happen to those who are easygoing, too...(i wouldn't say i fall under that category, haha!) so true...we're all human and just need to take care of ourselves the best we can. thanks so much, gigi! (& high-five on having freckly eyes!)

  4. Holy smokes! So glad you're okay. I heard the best way to prevent ocular migraines is with foot rubs and fro yo...(hint hint Patrick).

    1. Thank you! Hahaha oh my gosh I cannot *wait* to show this to Patrick. I completely agree! ;) Will be emailing you soon re: cleaning lady, btw. Thanks again!
