Friday, June 14, 2013

New Beginnings

UPDATE: I have moved! Please find me over here:

Hi, all --

Happy it's Friday? Gosh, I am. Tell me your fun weekend plans! I have a brunch date with a girlfriend (at one of my favorites) and I might be going to this movie with the boy. I somehow pulled something in my neck (I currently move my head like a robot - it's real cute) so I need to fix that with some good stretching at the gym. Speaking of, I had a bad case of the hiccups late last night and my neck hurt so much with  each  startling hic-cup, I totally lost my marbles and nearly passed out in laughter. And there was Patrick, video-ing the whole awkward experience on his phone. Pat-hicca-rick! He promised he'd delete it after showing his fam. (Greaaat, haha!) Other than that? I have a few errands to run and projects to work on, including getting the new site ready for its launch (can't wait!), but I also have a very important date with my couch, a fluffy pillow, and the July issue of Real Simple that arrived yesterday. A little R&R is definitely in store :)

:: LINKS ::

I am currently obsessed with this blogger's style.


but I can't wait that long!

rare photos of celebrities. (my favorite might be Jennifer Aniston as a little girl.)

I love it, too.

if you want to be successful.

my mom & I now own matching pairs of these sandals. everyone is so right, they're as comfy as can be!

my new favorite Instagram account... :)

enjoyed this post - "what is your unique selling proposition?"

5 gifts guys secretly want for Father's Day. (don't forget - it's Sunday!) ...likin' this gift guide, too.

look how much the Superman 'S' has changed over the years.

this jewelry pouch would make an incredible gift.

oolala! i love this bikini, this one-piece, & this maxi from asos.

i leave you with this.

p.s. This is my 665th post. Which is crazy. I honestly never intended to stick with this silly hobby & outlet for so long... for anyone out there considering starting a blog, do it.  I realize that my future chapters might be a far cry from the one I'm in now and to have this to look back on? It's priceless. I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging as the little lady in the big apple and will never, ever forget what personal doors this site has opened for me. How will you find my new website? I will update this when it's live with a link to redirect you. Please check back next week. And hold on, why am I even moving to a new site, you ask? Am I leaving the city and thus, just ditching the name? No. Not yet, anyway. It is time for me to take a step forward in my personal endeavors; my new website will be the foundation and platform for my business, From the Hart.
Cheers to new & exciting beginnings! I hope you can follow along...

- little lady


  1. Yay, new beginnings! Raising my latte to you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good luck to your new start! Anyway, really love the color of your cardigan here! So yellow and bright! Mine is the color black leather bomber jacket women.
