Monday, May 20, 2013

Last Week

just a few pics from last week ~
^ we went to a bowling birthday party at Melody Lanes in Sunset Park! so, so fun.
...and I blame those distracting flashing lights for all my gutter balls.
  • the birthday girl is just the cutest. (& sweetest.)
  • so are the newly engaged couple!
  • and so is my guy...who bowled with his non-dominant arm and still beat me. silly athlete.
^this was after seeing an apartment that was - let's just say -  no bueno.
we stumbled upon happy hour specials in a hidden Japanese restaurant where we had to remove
our shoes to enter. as crazy stressful as this apartment decision is (we have just 10 days to figure it out!), i'm thankful for happy hours & a roommate who always pushes me to laugh and look at the bright side.
"Delicate" + "Mademoiselle" // "Licorice" by essie - aka black
since I decided to practice what I preach ;)
i love when my stepdad mails me magazine articles he wants me to see.
do you have friends or family members who do that? isn't it the best?!
^one more thing that arrived in my mailbox that totally made my week. (image via)
Uppercase is my new favorite magazine!
i read it on the plane last night and took an entire page of notes because i was so inspired.
 it provided me with my new favorite definition.
until next time,

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