Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bits of My Long Weekend

Hi! How are you guys? I hope everyone had a nice Easter weekend. As hard as it is returning to reality, it's so nice to see the sun doing its thang and at least trying to warm things up. I don't know about you, but I'm very excited about a new month and a new season!

Today, I want to share a few pictures & moments from my past few days. As I mentioned last week, I spent my first night of vacation brightening things up a bit...


It's a shade of blonde that looks totally different depending on the light & how I wear it...and as weird as it sounds, I feel like myself again. Patrick seems to love it so that's a bonus, too.
Speaking of... I got to send him off to his new office on Thursday morning. (big man, little coffee!) What you can't see is me all sad in the doorway. You'd think a long weekend would be nothin' after the distance we've been through. I suppose I'm getting used to having him around ;)
 "Hard to Get" by Essie - a pretty pink pastel!
Just doing a little decorating research on the train. We're hoping to find a new apartment this summer with more space...alas, it will still be considered "small." Maybe one day I'll buy a magazine for decorating large rooms.... (I wouldn't know what to do!)
I use a horn tumbler for my makeup brushes (and pens), too!
{Pssst, you can get them here for half the price.} 
Sigh...there's just nothing like home.
My mom has beautiful orchids in their roof room. 
Friday was a mixture of really, really good & really, really bad. I had an incredibly exciting & inspiring 2 hour consultation that morning...let's just say there are lot of big changes on the horizon that I will be working on. I hope you continue to follow along! The bad? I became terribly sick...I honestly can't remember feeling worse. Not sure if it was the effects of exhaustion finally hitting me or what, but it was not very fun. Thankfully, I was in good hands...my mother and stepdad (a doctor) are quite the caretaking duo. I took some medicine that prevented me from getting sick again and made me conk out for the majority of the afternoon. Then? I took a very long bath and was amazingly all better. Baths are really a cure-all, aren't they?

Thankfully, I felt completely back to normal by Saturday morning as we ventured to West Virginia to my sister's farm! My brother-in-law was supposed to take their four boys out hiking all day and when we arrived, the youngest one was still there as he had to come back for him... In typical male fashion, he forgot him! Ha! We got a kick out of that :)

My sis & I need a reality TV show to compare our different lives. Inside her canning kitchen? A tub of baby chicks.
Look at how fuzzy they are!
itty bitty baby!
Look at that wittle beak!
I also chased this fellow around the yard like a crazy person trying to make it cuckaw back to me.
We also visited the baby bunnies! I named this one, Easter Bunny. Thought that was fitting ;)
city sister & country sister.
She might be 14 years older, but I am a giant next to her.
The main reason for the day? A baby shower for my sister-in-law!
The ladies minus my niece, Lauren. We missed her!
If you remember the cards I made, Lauren did a bunch of behind the scenes planning and came up with the storybook theme. It was perfect! 
Baby Oliver is due in May...we can't wait! He will be my 9th nephew!
My brother-in-law made these blueberry scones from scratch.
They're unbelievable! craving one now...
Does it get any cuter??!
our little baby mama :)
It was such a fun day of games & gifts & wishes.
My mom & I came back home and basically did this for many hours --
When I was sick, she & my stepdad insisted on the remedy of Downton Abbey. I had obviously heard of it, but just never felt interested in starting a whole new series. How silly I was! I am obsessed...and I want to live in its magical world. I am embarrassed to admit that I am already halfway through season 2...oops!
Sunday morning, I was greeted by this fabulous bedazzled basket :) We went to church and listened to an incredible sermon and then met up with one of my brothers and his family for lunch to celebrate Easter and his birthday!
four handsome nephews :)
You probably don't know that I played piano for 8 years...it's been forever, though, and I feel like I've forgotten so much. I played Canon in D in my last recital and can still remember the physical feeling of playing it. I would love to take lessons agan one day if I ever have space for a piano!
Yesterday required an early rise. I made the decision to take off work despite getting back to the city by 9:30 in the morning. And it was such a good call. Patrick & I went to the grocery store together midday before he had to go to work (so nice to do it when it wasn't jam packed!), I unpacked, I deep cleaned, I dealed with our cable provider,  I painted my nails, I cleaned out my purse, I sent personal emails, I watched more Downton Abbey (ha!), I picked up fresh tulips, and I MADE DINNER. That never happens as Patrick is the one who typically does all the cooking.
My girlfriend, Hollis, sent me this recipe and it's so easy. (If I can do it, anyone can!) First, I put on some Frank Sinatra because why not. Then I cooked the chicken with a little olive oil. Then I added organic vegetable broth (so tasty & healthy) to about halfway up the chicken, sprinkled some basil, and added fresh cherry tomatoes. I let that simmer and put it with angel hair pasta. Ta-da!
From P's Instagram...he took it when he walked in the door.
By the way, how hot is my apron? Ha!

It was definitely a fun long weekend. It's incredible, really, how a few days away from the normal grind can help you gain a fresh perspective and press the reset button, if you will.
Here's to a happy April, everyone!

until next time,


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