Friday, March 8, 2013

Have a Terrific Weekend!

a calligraphy doodle from earlier this week while I was waiting for ink to dry.
nothing much has changed since age 5. stillllll writing my name. over & over.
Well hello there, readers of the world wide web. How are you?

I've been in go!go!go! mode this week so I'm waltzing into the weekend a bit disheveled. A good disheveled, inspired, excited, so-many-things-I-wanna-do disheveled. I've sent three separate projects for clients that I started at all different times to the printing studio this week, which is, like, bananas...and quite possibly one of the best feelings. To see one of them I started envisioning months ago (while spaced out riding the subway and quickly doodling my ideas on a scrap piece of paper I found in my purse) culminate into something that is ready for the stage of printing?'s beyond rewarding. I'm so thankful for this feeling!
This weekend? I have to draw a dog and file my taxes. (Well that's certainly an interesting juxtaposition.) Maybe I should submit the dog illustration to Turbo Tax to brighten their day? Ya know, like a happy addendum. (Please see section labeled other and double-click on filename woof.) I will also be starting celebrations early for somebodayyy's (coughcoughPatrickcough) birthday. Our attitudes towards birthdays couldn't be more opposite which gives me the task of making a birthday-hater, well, not. Wish me luck!
p.s. Don't forget to set your clocks forward an hour on Saturday night. It's a great time to check your smoke detectors, too!

:: friday links ::

6 tips for dressing professionally in bad weather. (fitting for this week, yes?)

I did, too.

Jacob Bernstein wrote a very honest & moving article about his mother in Nora Ephron's Final Act.

an interactive picture book app for the kiddos by Christoph Niemann.

how gorgeous is this container from Switzerland?


I will be taking this advice in designing some new business cards for myself. (eee! )

I spy a fun hostess gift.

This made me really want to try aqua eyeliner.

How cute is rabbit hydrotherapy? Gud gale, Hi-dee, gud gale.

a go-to, wear-all-time, maxi.


an adorable (and easy!) Easter gift.

...and finally, the one you should keep.

have a terrific weekend!

until next time,


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