Monday, April 26, 2010

Market in McCarren

During my one break from working on art homework all weekend (to go to the always exhilarating post office...*sigh*), I stumbled upon a street fair around the corner from my apartment and had myself a little heyday browsing through the unique goods. The weather couldn't have possibly been more gorgeous. Musicians lined the streets, the smell of corn on the cob and Nutella crepes filled the air, all the neighborhood dogs were out to play and everyone just seemed in an exceptionally happy mood.

It was definitely an i-love-where-i-live kind of moment.

Now that spring has officially "sprung", the street fairs and markets will be happening all over the city. This Saturday, May 1st, will be the first day of this year's market in Brooklyn's McCarren Park, a large outdoor seasonal market hosting independent artists and designers.

According to Artist & Fleas' website, the market will be located "along the ballfields and tennis court fence that runs along Bedford Avenue north of N. 12th Street" and will be open from 11AM to 6PM. Their website even displays the scheduled vendors in the following categories: accessories, art & photography, artist & designer market, beauty & health, clothing & design, crafts & handmade, food, jewelry, kids, misc., vintage & vintage inspired.

Click here to see photos from past Artist & Fleas events.

...just an idea for a fun outside activity for this weekend. Although it's currently a gloomylicious Monday, the weather man is thankfully predicting 73 degrees and ☼ for Saturday!

until next time,


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