Friday, February 26, 2010


I've been reading about DailyWorth all over the place and decided to give it a chance. DailyWorth is a "free daily personal finance email for women that delivers practical tips, empowering ideas and the occassional kick in the pants".

A few of the interesting facts from the site:
- Women retire with, on average, 1/3 less in savings than men - yet live, on average, 10 years longer.
- Married women between 25 and 34 are most likely to manage a couple's finances.
- More than 50% of marriages end in divorce, creating more women-led households.

Despite your situation or age, it's never too soon or too late to start being smart about money.

And you can begin by receiving a little smidgen of daily financial insight!

When you sign up for the daily emails, you're asked to fill out a survey and answer the following multiple choice questions:

1. How good are you with money? Choose the one that best describes you.
- I am in trouble. I suffer from serious debt and can't control my spending.
(you can sign up for Seeing Red, DailyWorth's newsletter for women in debt.)
- I am a novice. acronyms like "APY" and "ETF" scare me, but I want to learn.
- I am managing. I pay my bills on time and read the business section of the newspaper.
- I am on my way. I save 20% a month, max out my retirement accounts, and am on a path to wealth. I'd like to become an expert investor.
(you can sign up for Net Worth, investment news from DailyWorth.)
- I am a pro. I should be writing for DailyWorth.
(also have the option to sign up for Net Worth)

2. What is your role in day-to-day money management (bill paying, investment decisions, taxes)?
- I am single and in charge of day-to-day money management.
- I am married/in a committed relationship and I handle all of our finances.
- I am married/in a committed relationship and share financial responsibility with my partner/spouse.
- I am married/in a committed relationship and my partner/spouse handles all of our finances.

3. Please tell us a little more:
- I am self-employed. (or will be soon)
(can sign up for Worth Entreprenuer)
- I am a mom. (or will be soon)
(can sign up for The Thrifty Mama, money saving tips for moms)

After selecting the most suitable categories for age/household income and indicating where you're from, you are set to go!

Here are some sample emails on their website; if you scroll down on their main page you can also see what they've been sending within the past month.

Instead of just receiving a bajillion tempting shopping emails like moi, sign up for DailyWorth and learn tips about better ways to spend --- or better yet, save.

until next time,


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