Saturday, March 31, 2012

Farewell, March!

to wrap up this month, here are photos 22 - 31 ::

22. don't mess with the little lady of the sink.
...armless, but feisty.

23. moon.
i finished Catching Fire last weekend and 
am on the last book of the Hunger Games trilogy. 
...and I'm totally reading it as slowly as possible
 because i don't want it to end! 

24. an animal.
oh you know, just a doin' a day's work.

25. breakfast
yup, that kind of morning.

26. a special key someone gave me 5 years ago. ;)

27. my name.

28. this is what prep for trash day looks like in NYC.

29. pink feet.

30. a tiny toy that is supposed to 
bring me good luck in creativity & art.
here's hopin'!

31. and this is where I relax.

if you'd like to participate in April's photo-a-day 
and add a little creative challenge to your month, 
here are the new words for inspiration!
*note the new hashtag format!

until next time,


Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Friday!

my friend surprised me with this yesterday morning (so sweet, right?) ...and i love it! have you tried any of Bethenny Frankel's other products? you can buy them here.

this neon clutch screams, "hello spring!"

look at these toddlers and their best buds.

loving the whole mint-colored nail craze.

4 things that made me laugh on the same website: thisthis, this & this.

a creative little "dear new york" video by ZARA. speaking of ZARA, these studded sandals are hot.

a list of things that are more likely to happen than you winning tonight's $540 million lotto jackpot. boo.

the look for less: instead of buying these sunglasses, get these!

this DIY project would make for a perfect display at any party. (this would be a genius additon to a party, too!)

what's your favorite eyeliner? my friend swears by this one and now that i have it, i need her to apply it to my face. ha! she's a stylist. and fabulous! (see here.)

i leave you with this quote. i haven't learned this yet, but i have faith that i will!

p.s. send somebody some love this weekend. :)

until next time,


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bad Day Turned Good

I was having one of those days where absolutely nothing was happening like I wanted it to.

How so? Well, my computer crashed seven times during the day. So that's how that went. And then I scoured the island of Manhattan looking for a mailbox. Where are those suckers when you need one? I asked a store owner who misheard and directed me to the nearest bottle of Maalox. But another customer insisted there was one on 13th & 3rd. "East side!", she shouted, as I slung my two bags over my shoulder. That's another thing. Why I am always carrying two bags in this city? Was it imperative that I schlep two novels with me to work? Ya know, just in case one drops in the gap between the subway and the platform and I'm stuck underground for a month with nothing to read? And by the way, there was not a mailbox on 13th & 3rd. East or west side. Then I got to the gym 30 minutes early. It was good, though. I needed to decompress. (clearly) But then my trainer showed up 30 minutes late because of subway problems. If you passed Trigonometry, you'll notice I was waiting for an hour. Motivation buzzkill. Onset hunger. Cranky little lady. He had a valid excuse, though, so we proceeded. It was a group session night so there were two other girls plus me. One of the girls made it very clear she didn't want to workout ever, coming up with a different whine routine for each maneuver. If this is any indication of her inspirational enthusiasm, she used the line, "Um, I don't jump." It is honestly a miracle she doesn't have the Asics stripes indented on her forehead from my shoe I didn't lose it.  I left the gym and stopped on the corner above the subway entrance to call my bf. Three minutes into the conversation, I gagged and told him I had to go because a pigeon pooped on my coat sleeve. Ya know, the one I picked up from the cleaners Monday. For the record, this is the second time this has happened. Whatareya tryin' to tell me, life? Huh?

But then I got home and I put down my heavy bags and I returned a phone call to a dear friend. Who asked me to be a Godmother to her beautiful baby boy. I tell you what, that cranky little lady's frown turned right upside down! :) I feel so happy and honored and I just can't stop smiling...

So then I did a little finger doodle on my iPhone:

That's me. The (fairy) Godmother with itty bitty pink shoes.

I'm a happy camper again! 

...but I still hate pigeons. (-.-)

until next time,


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Apples at J.Crew!

i feel so honored!
J.Crew made a line specifically for the little lady in the big apple! ;)
check out all their apple-themed finds here.

until next time,


Monday, March 26, 2012

Photo Assortment

one of my favorite meals = a plate of market veggies from Westville.

firm believer that you can wear animal print all year long. ;)

glimpse of spring in NYC from my cab's window.



doesn't get old.

Tar-jee run for the essentials:
sport bras, camisoles, new hair dryer, & candy!

time to eat the candy.

and here's some eye candy.
(pssst, go see Hunger Games.)


mags & gin.

and a thought for your day.


until next time,


Friday, March 23, 2012

A Little Game of Tag

My niece tagged me in this questionnaire and I figured I'd give it a go! I have to list 11 random facts about myself followed by the answers to 11 questions she asked. Then I'll tag 11 other bloggers with all new questions in attempt to keep the sharing momentum going.
(my goal is for at least 1 out of 11 to continue!)

here we go...

random facts about the little lady:
1. I can make an astonishingly accurate pig impersonation.
(My chicken isn't too shabby either.)
2. I never went to kindergarten.
3. I played Pachelbel's Canon in D for my last piano recital in 8th grade. I'd love to learn it again.
4. I don't know how to ride a bike.
5. One of my proudest moments was calling my dad from boarding school to tell him, through tears, that I was valedictorian.
6. I'm not sure what's worse, my cooking skills or my memory.
7. My "birthmark" is a large knot on my head.
8. I've been wearing a retainer for nearly thirteen years and am told it will just pop off at some point. yay?
9.  My parents tried to have me for five years with the help of fertility drugs. Doctors concluded it was time to give up and they reluctantly decided to stop all efforts. Little did they know my mom was already pregnant. :)
10. I am a Christian.
11. I became an aunt at the age of 8 (to the wonderful little lady who tagged me!) in an Army base hospital in San Antonio, Texas. I now have a total of 2 nieces and 8 nephews.

1. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Cheerios + banana + coffee.

2. Would you rather stay up late or wake up early?
I'm a night owl, for sure. Maybe it's some sort of bizarre feeling of rebellion, but I'll often find myself sprawled out on the floor with a craft project in the wee hours of the morning and have to literally tell myself to go to bed. I'd rather be a morning person, but I just don't see it happening.

3. If you had to suddenly leave your house and only take three items with you, what would they be?
In an emergency? Well, if I can finish the process of saving all of my pictures digitally, I'd either grab my computer or external hard drive. I'd also take a piece of sentimental jewelry - something like the necklace my dad gave me made with a rare $20 gold coin from 1888 that his grandmother left him when he was 18. Oh, and I'd take a framed letter from my brother. I have two of his letters hanging in my apartment (they're works of art, really) so now that I have this imaginary notion in my head that I have to pick just one, I'll be staring at them for days to try & pick my favorite. Thanks, questionnaire. ;)

4. What was your favorite thing to do as a child?
Draw. If a grown-up gave me a sketchpad or a coloring book, I was distracted for days. I was also unreasonably infatuated with the miniature lands of Polly Pockets. Oh, and I really loved my Puppy Surprise and Kitty Surprise stuffed animals that had baby puppies and kitties wedged inside their velcro-fastened bellies. If you know what I'm talking about, I like you.

5. How do you see your life in five years?
Crikey, I'll be 31. If you asked me this question 5 years ago, I'd blurt out exactly what I'd be doing 5, 10, and 20 years from then with obnoxious certainty. But I've learned I have very limited foresight and have given up trying to predict anything.  If I think back to my world turning upside down before moving to NYC, I realize I can't even remember making the decision TO move. It's like things just happened; I acted instead of reacted. I have an inkling that in 5 years many things will be different. To answer the question, though, I see a big ol' blank page. But what do I hope? I hope I still have all the people I love. And I'd really like to have a pet - or at least a coffee table - by then.

6. Where is your favorite place in the world?
Camp Alleghany in the mountains of West Virginia near where I grew up. I spent 9 summers there, 8 as a camper and 1 as a counselor. It's a magical place that will always hold a lot of significance in my upbringing. I was the youngest camper my first year at only seven years old -- too little to even reach the shower handle. I was raised in West Virginia, but I grew up at Camp Alleghany.

7. Would you rather be spontaneous or do you like to have a plan?
I like to just fly by the seat of my pants and go with the flow!

Aaaand if you believed that, you don't know me at all. I wish I was that fun of a person to just do whatever and be all spontaneous, but I'm someone who makes plans to make plans. To-do lists and itineraries and color-coding excite me. If there is a planning disorder, I have it. I also get anxious if plans change or materialize last-minute, a character trait I'm trying to work on.

8.Who do you admire the most?
My mother. Folks, the woman is a saint. I have never met anyone who does more for people, expects less in return, and somehow juggles so much with such grace. She is my biggest idol and my greatest blessing.

9. What is your all-time favorite song that you would never get tired of listening to?
Joy by George Winston. There are no words in the song, but I can't help but see the faces of my entire family. It fills my eyes with teary nostalgia. It sounds like home.

10. Chocolate or vanilla?
chocolate, duh.

11. If you were a superhero, what would your power be?
To end hunger? To create world peace? To have a wing-operated bicycle? Yeah, I like the last one.

11 fabulous bloggers & their questions:
A Cup of Jo
All Things Fabulous
Big City Beddie
Made by Girl
Minnie Lane
One of Five *only if you want to do it again! ;)
Rockstar Diaries
Sequins and Stripes
The Doctor's Closet

1. What are you most afraid of?
2. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
3. Who makes you laugh the most?
4. What location is at the top of your dream travel list?
5. What's the one beauty product you can't live without?
6. Describe your ideal Friday night.
7. Who is your style icon?
8. True or False: soulmates exist.
9. What's the hardest thing you've ever done?
10. What was the most exciting gift you've ever given?
11. What's your favorite quote?

thank ya, thank ya!

until next time,


How I Looked This Morning

it's Friday!
& i get to see one of my best friends!!

until next time,


Thursday, March 22, 2012

More March Photos

remember how I'm doing this little photo challenge this month? 
 here are pictures 12 - 21! 

12. there are days when all you can do is stand with the fridge door swung open and eat chocolate icing on a fork.
...after a week of coming home to my guy 
sitting at the kitchen counter with a big grin, 
i walked into a quiet...dark...lonely apartment. 
for those of you in long distance relationships, i cheers to you. 
with my chocolate-icing-on-a-fork.

13. quite the sign...?!?

14. absolutely no clouds that day!
i don't know about you, but this weather lately 
has put an extra pep in my step.

15. a Tootsie Pop in the car.
this was from my last road trip in the fall. 
btw, when's the last time you had a Tootsie Pop?
getcha'self one.

16. sunglasses.

17. green on the subway.
I spent St. Patty's Day at the gym, post office, & sifting through calligraphy nibs at the art store.
...and it was glorious.

18. a cornerofmyhome.

19. funny.
don't ever stop being silly.

20. before/after the use of my trusty "puffy the eye bag slayer", ha!

21. this sundae I shared with my Meems was absolutely delicious.
best part? the warm brownie wedged in the bottom of the silver dish.
check out the full sundae dessert menu at The Smith here!

until next time,


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New Drawings

my current art queue is filled with drawings of children and pets
- plus some exciting wedding projects, too -
and I just couldn't be more excited!

{all done with pencil}

if interested in a project, please email me at littleladyinthebigapple at gmail dot com!

until next time,


Monday, March 19, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Have a Green-filled Weekend!


:: link love ::

mannn, i wish the DVF/babyGap & DVF/GapKids collections came in my size.

make your own shamrock chips for St. Patty's Day.

 pink sandals.


 a map of NYC by logos.

ok, I know this is kind of weird, but how comfortable does this look?!

oooo, loving this Mane Message hair tye pack. i need that neon green one...

find the best baby gear based on your lifestyle.

your therapy for the day: 42 adorable puppies!

a list of Irish pubs in NYC.

snaz up those wooden spoons. (wouldn't that make a great housewarming gift?)

tips on replacing and storing crucial documents. on a related note, check out this Life.doc binder. i bet you could make your own.

how-to guide to NYC thrifting.

getting the new iPad 3 and you're going on a tropical vacation? well besides being totally jealous of both, I highly recommend you get this case.

i'll leave you with this quote.

have a green-filled weekend!

until next time,


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Kate Spade Watches

have you seen Kate Spade's new watch line?

:: little lady's favorites ::

images via

pretty cute, eh?

shop here.

until next time,
